On 1st of December at the Nexus Automotive Russia conference, the topics were related to change of consumer behavior raised in panel discussion. Konstantin Gulyaev, a TISS Representative, tried to answer on questions in detail.
Of course, time affects us and customer preferences change. For example, the number of purchases of auto components by women is increasing. The main reasons for this are the excessive workload of men and the growth of women's independence.
The acceleration of the pace of life also affects the choice. Fewer people are taking the time to read professional sources of information, relying more and more on the advice of mechanics and salespeople.
In its turn, mechanics and sellers note the loss of quality on the part of famous brands due to the availability of production in China. Somewhere the product simply disappears from sale. The problem of availability of quality goods is undoubtedly fundamental. Against this background, Just Drive, with a history of production of 20 years, feels confident and stands out for the breadth of the range and the guarantee. A similar confidence in the auto market is shown by the Kormax brand, in fact, an OEM packaging brand that is manufactured in Korea.
As for the desire to do maintenance operation, at one hand, seasonality is gone and that is good, it is more correct to change the oil according to mileage/engine hours. On the other hand, due to a decrease in solvency, people began to delay the service, which began to lead to an increase in the check and, as a result, savings on spare parts.
Answering the question about the client, I can say with confidence that changes have taken place in all spheres of society. Our task is to understand in detail the needs and desires of customers and, based on this, show the possibilities of new brands.
Konstantin Gulyaev, Head of Development Department, JUST DRIVE, Kormax