Nexus Automotive Russia Representative office of the international trade and purchasing group Nexus Automotive International in Russia held a round table in St. Petersburg with the world's leading manufacturers of automotive components for trucks.
Representatives of such companies and international concerns as Bosch, Dayco, Exide, Mann-Filter, NRF, ZF took part in the round table. Managers and specialists of companies in the field of maintenance of cargo and light commercial vehicles represented the automotive business.
The Executive Director of Nexus Automotive Russia Sergey Perehozhikh underlined to Group that such key events regularly are conducted in large cities
“Initially, we assumed that such round tables would be of most interest to service stations, large fleets and retail parts stores, because they often do not get the information that the manufacturer wants to convey, and they receive it, as it is mentioned. However, practice has shown that manufacturers themselves are no less interested in such dialogues, because they receive feedback here, which is then used by them in their work and goes to production, research centers, and sales departments,” - noted Head of Nexus Automotive Russia.
As for the distributors of auto parts, presented at the round table, according to Sergei Perekhozhikhy information, from both sides is important for them: from service stations and from manufacturers.
The representatives of the brands participating in the Saint Petersburg round table confirmed the fact that the information and feedback received as part of such events is very actively used by manufacturers of auto parts and components, which was also confirmed to “Dvizhok.
So, for example, Andrey Titov, NRF Business Development Manager, noted that the Dutch company very actively uses information from those who are directly involved in the installation of brand spare parts in their work.
“If we are told that there is a problem with some part or something is missing to install this or that part, and some kind of installation kit is needed, we accept it. At this event, for example, our technical specialist is present. We analyze and use all the information received, although this sometimes takes time - from the first signal to some actions, it can take from six months to a year. One example: a couple of years ago we were informed that a heater radiator for new Volvo trucks was in demand on the market, seven months later we put it into production, and now it is selling very well,” Andrey Titov said.
Most of all, according to him, the participants of such round tables are interested in the issues of guarantee, brand policy in this area and its obligations. “Apparently, this is due to the general trend of deteriorating quality in pursuit of a low price,” suggested the representative of NRF.
The participants of the round table representing the auto business, in its turn noted the level of organization of the event, as well as the readiness of brand representatives to discuss pressing issues and answer all required questions. Evgeny Kirillov, Commercial Director of Techintcom, told about this to “Dvizhok”, in particular. His colleague Sergey Golubovsky, General Director of “Trak-Avto”, noted that direct communication with manufacturers is important for retailers of spare parts in order to understand how products are produced, what materials and technologies are used, and what guarantees this or that brand gives to consumers.
In conclusion, we note that the round table held in St. Petersburg was organized with the participation of major distributors of auto parts and components: Amtel and “BAV-Dvizhenie”. In total, about 50 people took part in the event.
Text: Roman Zubko, magazine “Dvizhok”