On the eve of the women's holiday, we decided to find out from the Nexus women colleagues the features of working in the men's business.
- What is the main difference between the male and female approach to working in the auto business?
- Position of power. Are there "feminine" ways of negotiating?
- What project are you proud of?
Tatyana Masorina, Commercial Director of LIDERAVTO LLC.
In my opinion, women are more responsible and scrupulous in their work.
Flexibility in solving complex issues and feminine charm is our advantage.
My first order to Germany started 22 years ago for Osram's automotive lighting business in Russia.
Olga Solovieva, Supplier Relations Director, Amtel LLC.
I appreciate professionalism in people, it has no gender. You either do your job well, or you stay out of work.
Yes, there are. But this is also more of a stereotype. I meet excellent negotiators, both men and women. Our task is to bring beauty to this world, whether it be negotiations or a podium. The girls are great at this!
Creation and launch of 2 successful private labels.
Svetlana Popova, Head of the Marketing Department at Avtosputnik.
A woman is more patient, painstaking and brings any project to the end without losing enthusiasm.
Personally, I find it more convenient to negotiate with men. Then softness is activated, the possibility of compromises, negotiations are smoother.
In the automotive business, the opening of a Honda service center. The only one in the region.
Irina Straus, Head of the Analytics Department at CJSC BAV-Motion.
The female approach is expressed in a careful, even scrupulous analysis of the situation and thoughtful decision-making, without sudden movements.
Yes, of course, there are, this is a more subtle negotiation, without obvious manifestations of dominance, but this does not mean that there is no victory in the final.
There are two projects I'm really proud of: automation of the system of purchases and movements between warehouses; implementation of the BI system in the company.
Sofia Sidorenko, General Director of Trans Starter.
It seems to me that there are no particular gender differences, there is a difference in personality types and characters.
Smile a lot.
Proud of our own Tesla Technics brand.
Elena Moiseeva, Head of the Marketing and Advertising Department of the EuroAuto Network.
The auto business is a business for men and should be run by men. Women in this direction are an exception in managers.
No, negotiations are not gender-based.
I'm proud of the brand I work for.