On October 27, Nizhny Novgorod hosted a Nexus Automotive Russia round table jointly with CARVILLE, ITAKO Group, VALEO and JIKIU. Nexus distributors introduced their own brands. The event was attended by 70 specialists in the field of after-sales car service from Nizhny Novgorod and the Nizhny Novgorod region.
The event was opened by Alexey Suslov, Development Director of Nexus Automotive Russia. He introduced the audience to the company's achievements and plans for the next year. “We see our main goal in customer support, this applies to marketing strategy, training and incentive programs. NexusAcademy is the key to success and high quality education. We are ready to openly share our knowledge and experience through the Nexus Academy programs,” emphasized Alexey Suslov.
An expert of the analytical agency Gipa, Vitaliy Kravets, spoke about the state and prospects of the aftersales market. Pakhomov Alexander Mikhailovich, Chairman of the Board of the Union of Car Services, presented a special program to protect the interests of Russian business.
The event consisted of two plenary sessions, which included presentations by speakers, a review of company products, and work in small groups. Representatives of brands and guests of Nexus met at round tables to exchange experiences, support and jointly search for effective solutions. The program ended with a solemn presentation of prizes and gifts.
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